Sunday Summary
Soft Open Week 1
August 30, 2015 • Chester Chesterfield
Hello friends, Chester here. Long time, no chat, but as expected life has been busy. As some of you know, we launched our soft open on Wednesday and introduced our breakfast portion of our menu. It was so nice to see some familiar faces and just as fun to meet some new ones. We began our week by working on getting our groove down pat. Starting off with an innovative kitchen design takes time to establish a perfect flow. Not to worry, the kinks are getting smoothed out. What's on the agenda for next week? We'll be adding our lunch items to our soft open menu. We would...
First Post
May 28, 2015 • Chester Chesterfield
Oh hey there, my name is Chester. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I'll be keeping you in the loop as to what's happening now and what's to come at the gastro diner. We'll be opening soon so stay tuned...